Monday 2 June 2008

The end of civilisation as we know it!

Pick 'n' Mix on the road to chaos

I have talked before that Nestle selling Rowntree’s fruit pastilles in bags of only red and black ones was the sort of slippery slope that would lead this once great nation into the depths of hell quicker than anything this side of Noel Edmonds and onanism.

Well conversely and perversely they are aiming to make things worse in producing variety packs with pastilles, fruit, gums and fruit salads in them.

This has really got to stop. How can we teach children to make steadfast decisions, to act morally, if when they got to the sweet shop they don’t have to buy one kind of sweet and stick with it?

If they can have everything all at once it will only serve to sap their moral fibre, sweets aren’t about shallow fleeting sugary enjoyment they are an exercise in harsh Spartan morality and this laissez faire “come one come all” attitude is the tip of a very dangerous cola cube which will only make the problems of dog mess, street drinking and the parking in precinct that much worse.


Mondo said...

It's all wrong - and what's next multiple flavours of crisps in one packet?

Anonymous said...

What about Revels though? Chocolaty emotional timebombs. No wonder society slipped into the amoral morass that David Cameron eventually crawled out of.

BLTP said...

anon:Revels are clearly the devils sheep droppings.
Pm: I never stray far from ready salt in crisps I'm afraid..