Wednesday 21 May 2008

Blue Wednesday!

Stella Nonsense

There was an old school Chelsea fan on the train just now, you know bald head, thick neck, footy shirt, tatts and Sov rings. He was being obnoxiously loud on the train having an expletive thick boorish phone call with his mate. He got off and as I followed him I could see his plastic bag of booze was starting bulge dangerous. I should have said something but before I could say owt it split and all his Stella, every last bottle bit the dust in a foamy explosion. Cue more swearing and over top dramatics tee hee. I probably saved him from another drunken tatt and anyway if his club wasn’t awash with money stolen from the poor of Russia I might have had some sympathy; what am I saying, no one has ever liked Chelsea, I do hope they loose. oh and Man U have just scored.

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