Friday 11 April 2008

Dr Who, what, why....

What we learned from last nights I-player
The first episode of Dr Who seemed to be written in entirely in clichés:

  • Characters who walk up to a large building and stop before walking in and look up the entre length of building like you don’t.

  • They seemed to be showing a PowerPoint presentation on celluloid film using a projector?

  • We had the over branded evil lair, if you were sucking a planet dry would you really bother to have a logo fitted to the window cleaning cradle?

  • We had the evil character exposition bit.

  • Is there anywhere that still has steel dustbins not wheelie bins?

  • Why did the henchmen shoot down the door when the baddy later opened another door with her sonic screw driver?

  • Did we really need to have a diabolic machine actuated by a huge switch?

  • Why does Katherine Tate seem on the edge of one her comedy show characters all the time?

  • Flying cocking saucers.

I do know that genre shows use cliché as short cuts but if you raise the bar on a genre you have to meet your own standards. And yes I’m coming over like a sad Whovian but I bet my sharp nephews would have spotted a lot of the above, kids aren’t stupid and deserve well written programmes.

Good points it is Dr Who and I quite liked the Adipose creatures, I’m sure it will get better but it is worrying.

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