Thursday 11 February 2010

Breakfast #3 with toast and a tea (no egg can I have some extra tomatoes instead please)

I am oddly slightly annoyed my N95 often takes better snaps than my more expensive panasonic or maybe I'm pleased.. Anyway the breakfast was good  and I had fun getting all black and white with the sharp winter light while I waited (which was not that long in the end).


davyh said...

I can see that as the image on the inner sleeve of a Richard Hawley LP.

ally. said...

no egg????

BLTP said...

dh: might be a to fancy a cafe for RH!
allY: I know I'm weirdo never got on with 'em it always perplexes cafe owners who want to give at least 2 of the things!

davyh said...

Alright then, Dido.