Do Yourself a Favour........ and get hold of this # 1.
I was reading (god I’m so old fashioned ) a music magazine (kill me now) the other day and the review of a record sounded good (here comes the modern bit) I went on “web” and heard some the songs and then (my Old Skool roots showing) I bought the lp.
It’s by Windsor for the Derby who are from that there Texas I think and is called “How We Lost” and I really like it. Being a gushing type they are my favourite new band this week. New that is except this is there 7th LP and they formed in the early 90’s!
They have had a bit exposure in the wider world appearing on the recent soundtrack to Maria Antoinette. Any way the review listed “lowlife Era” which is where I came in so what’s not to like.
WFTD are what’s increasingly called “electronica” and so sound like British bands like New Order with flat but not un -engaging Indie vocals. They are a bit “post-rock” but don’t hold this against them. They aren’t a complete pastiche and have a charm of their own and as much as I like hip swinging music as I said after seeing the Blue Nile the other week there’s al ways room in my heart for a bit of melancholia and songs that have a bit of Steve Morris drumming keyboards and go “Ba la la la da Ba Ba bla da in the middle.”
I nicked a bit of the intro to “let go “for my latest film and I like “maladies” a lot. See also “Fallen off the Earth” and “Hold On”
I won’t post a song partly because they need some cash but also they have MySpace site and also you can get whole LP’s for free at their web site.
Now one last thing their name: Now I don’t want to be like one of those types who falls in love with soul objective of changing the object of their desire to some unattainable idyll. But Windsor for the derby is a rotten name I know it’s probably deep or the name of Robert frost poem or summat but it’s is rotten.
So here’s a list of suitable names for the era of band they want to be: Silicon Oppenheimer (either together or part), the ancient futurists, schism, Chime, The Rainmakers, August, Weimar, Die Stjhl, Chain, oh I don’t how about “gosh look at all those trees”, “Are we there yet?” “One potato” “One finger typing” anything other than “Windsor for the Derby”*
* Unless it refers to entertaining the star of “it ain’t hot mum” in dare devil smash’em up car race that is.
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