On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined; No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet to chase the glowing hours with flying feet.
George Gordon Byron
If you will permit me one more gush of solipsism (apart from the rest of my endless virtual ramblings that is)
I’d just like to record the last few days in brief.
Being a spring baby I’m sure my mood improves even more when the clocks go forward and Friday was such a lovely day; after a little light shopping drinking the odd beaker in the sunshine with BLBW was a simple joy followed by Damned United and some more beakers all rather marvellous. On the train home I even got a song and a “alcopoppy” kiss from 2 other birthday girls on their way back panda eyed but happy to Kent, happy birthday ladies.
No party is any fun unless seasoned with folly.
Desiderius Erasmus
The only down note for the whole weekend was TFL closing the DLR seeming without notice which was annoying but “work roundable”.
Like other parties of the kind, it was first silent, then talky, then argumentative, then disputatious, then unintelligible, then altogether, then inarticulate, and then drunk. When we had reached the last step of this glorious ladder, it was difficult to get down again without stumbling.
George Gordon Byron
Some thank yous: Thanks to everyone who came especially anyone who battled with the M1 (and then the DLR) or the National Express (on either tires or steel wheels!)
Thanks to everyone for just
Extra special thanks to A and L for cakes.
I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends. Nancie J. Carmody
Can I also make a plug for the Duke in Roger St. The term “gastro pub” is a much bandied around and frankly has become so devalued it may not be worth using but the food at the Duke is really good; perfectly cooked, decently portioned and not overly gussied up. If you just want a drink the beer’s good too (sorry there’s no black sheep left!) I’m told they also sell wine (never drink the stuff myself made in France don’t cha you know, nothing good will come of it). The Duke is a little 30’s gem in a quiet bit of town that’s well worth a (art) deco!
So anyway thanks & much love to everyone
“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”
Tennessee Williams
oh, I do like the Duke and have spent many happy evenings there. We refer to it as 'the Australian pub' as it is so similar to loads of Sydney pubs. Only the beer is better (here, not there).
I have an off-topic beer question for you. When we were in York recently we noticed that the beer took longer to settle and had more of a head. Any idea why? Are the pumps different?
Your right they give better erm ..... head in god's own county. Yes the beer is creamier and locals prefer a thicker bigger head so use (I believe and BLBW will correct me on this) a different sparkler in the hand pump tap to make a denser thicker head. Tetley's smooth flow is the bastard son of all this. I'm torn having lived in london so long I like the flatter southern pint but my heart still yearns for the rich cream of my spiritual birth place.
Ah ha! Thanks. I have to say I quite liked the creamier beer, I could get used to it...
And I think you'll find that Australia is God's Own Country (even if that means that God prefers lager and pale ale).
glad to hear it all went off well and happy - many happy returns dearie
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