here's a gaggle of great sleeves...... not a great tune among. sadly.
"Schlager" apparently means hit, shame the producers put more effort into the sleeves than the songs.
Anyway here's a brace of eager beach babes on a rather chilly looking Baltic beach.
I think she needs to watch out "Hi Ho silver lining" about to finish and she hasn't cued up a slowy yet.....
This one I was hoping was a saxtastic sleezeathon burlesque lp, it's in fact lift music with a slightly care worn glamour model on the cover....
Anyway enjoy the sleeve art!
Ps. Can I recommend some ace free software; scanning record sleeves is a bit of pain because my A4 scanner is 23 cm wide and of course lp sleeves are 24 cm wide so you have to stitch 4 scans together, which is is time consuming but I had seen on flickr people using Auto-stitch to put together panoramic shots.
So I downloaded it and it's excellent ,almost magical give it a go it's very easy to use.
you'll find it here!
The girl in Music Fur Alle - looks like Linda Thorson (*sighs*) I Remember you looks like Martin Caine - but I Remember You - has a slightly sinster a 'grubby dribbler in a stained mac' twist when used with 'strip music'
Great album sleeves right up my retro street.
PM. Just looked up Linda Thorson and I see waht you mean I'm quite take with our jolly dj fraulein although sadly she'll 70 odd now!!!
I did like the slightly worn sleezy air to the strip music lp the music would add an even more poignant air to any clothing removal...
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. I would definitely buy that Happy Dancing record. I feel cheerful just looking at it.
Did you get these here or 'abroad'?
I travelled no further than zone 2 they are from Deptford Market or the charity shop in Leather lane. I got some perplexed looks from my work colleagues phillistines!
high quality tat dear boy - and i've generally judged anything that draws perplexed looks from work colleague philistines to be a huge success
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